"You're so brave - your'e courage is unbelievable." I've heard those words from many people. I bristle every time I hear it. I don't consider what I'm doing "brave or courageous". I'm just navigating my way through. I've been thrust into a situation that I have no control over and I'm figuring it out just like anyone else would.
Once I received the diagnosis I became a soldier gearing up for a battle. Listening to what my doctors told me, preparing and following through with my instructions. Slowly, I began look at my cancer not as a battle but as just another part of my journey in life. Nothing more nothing less. As I've stated before everyone has something in their life, no one gets away with a buy. This is just my story. I'm navigating through it, taking what life has thrown at me and learning and growing from it . Isn't that what we do in life? Every experience offers us the chance to grow and learn.
I read a quote from Wayne Dyer that sums it up perfectly for me:
With everything that has happened to you, you can either feel sorry for yourself, or treat what has happened as a gift. Everything is either an opportunity to grow, or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose.
I choose to look at my journey with the Big "C" as a gift. It has given me an opportunity to grow and learn. To experience love and care. To understand, once again, how precious life is. There's another quote I love: When you replace "why is this happening to me" with "what is this trying to each me?" Everything shifts. It does shift. I don't want to give the energy to being a victim. I look at every thing that has happened to me as a learning opportunity. Another footstep in my path of life. All my life experiences, even those that frustrate me, give me lessons and contribute to my growth.
People have told me "I could never handle it as well as you have". How do you know? None of us knows how we will handle any situation until we're in it. I'm in it and doing the best I can. That's all. I take each day as it comes. Some days are better than others. But the bottom line is I get to have days. When you're faced with a diagnosis of Stage 3 cancer, you appreciate the days no matter what they bring. You do what you have to do to insure you will have more "days" because I chose life. I chose life and all that comes with it. Treatment and all. And I'm grateful to have it.
When I get up every morning my first thought is gratitude. I'm grateful for another day. I then have a choice to make, be happy or be sad. Simple really. I can choose what type of day I'll have. I choose happy. I choose to look at life as a glorious adventure and embrace everything that comes with it. Is that bravery or courage, I don't think so. I think I'm like everyone else - just taking it one day at a time and navigating this thing called life.
