I voted today. In the past it’s always been a non-event. At my precinct there is never a line and if there is it’s minimal. Bob and I head over at 11:00. Per usual there is no wait. Bob heads to his cubby and I head to mine, a man in between us.
I set my umbrella down and open up my ballot. As I’m reaching for the pen, I feel a snap and it happens. My bra comes undone and my prosthetic shoots out to the left. Think sling shot –get the picture? Had I not had quick reflexes and slammed my arms to my side, I’m sure the weight and the propulsion of my prosthetic would have killed the man next to me.

I just began the process of voting! Now what?!? I couldn’t stop and snap it shut. Seriously? Can you imagine me asking the voting volunteer – “Excuse me? Could you help me with something?” Bob was too far away to help and besides we were out in the open. I looked around, no one knew what had happened but me, and so I did what I needed to do. I bought my arms up, holding them tight to my chest to hold the prostheric in and voted. It got a little tricky when I had to feed my ballot into the machine. I felt like the Saturday Night Live character with the little hands or a T-Tex, but I muscled through. Nothing was stopping me from voting not even a shooting prosthetic.
So today I did my civic duty and voted and once again, breast cancer gave me something to laugh about. Breast cancer – never a dull moment!