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Getting my Ducks in a Row . . .


My chemotherapy treatments are to begin on July 12th.  I begin to get things in order for my next phase.  

I finalize everything for the wedding.  I buy my dress and shoes.  I pick a navy dress with silver shoes.  (Jury is  out on whether I love it - lol!) I order the table, chairs, etc. for the after wedding brunch.  I finalize the caterer for the event.  I order the items for the bomoniere to be given out at the wedding.  (Italian tradition).  We finalize the wedding band list.  We meet at Triple Nickel to finalize plans for the rehearsal dinner.  I've written out what I want done for all wedding events in case I get chemo brain and forget something.  Wedding plans done - Check!

I prepare mentally for my next phase by meeting with Natalie.  I have several sessions and phone calls to help me process what's about to happen in my life.  Right now, since I haven't started the chemo, this is the hardest to deal with - the mental aspect of all of this.  Natalie gives me tools and perspective.  She is a godsend.  

I have have begun instituting Dr. Walker's suggestions..  I am taking the supplements he recommended. I've gotten blood work done so we can track my progress. I set up an appointment to begin acupuncture to offset any chemo side effects.  I know he is a phone call away if I need help.

I've bought my wigs.  I've ordered head pieces for when I don't wear a wig.  I've bought ginger ale, ginger hard candies, food that I think I'll like to eat.  I've dvr'd a gazillion movies and tv shows to watch.  I've done the same with my kindle. I've reinstated my gym membership as I plan on exercising during chemo.  I'm hoping it will help with my energy level.  Besides, I miss my lady friends immensely!

I'm diligently using the EES on my eyebrows twice a day to hopefully prevent their loss.  I'm using Arnica cream on my scars.  I'm walking daily to keep up my energy. I get my teeth cleaned because I know I won't be able to for a while.  (Dental Hygenist is currently going through Stage 2 breast cancer.  She shares her stories.  For the first time hearing someone else's story doesn't bother me, I find it comforting)

I'm meditating and manifesting daily.  My mind set is this is going to be trying at times but doable.  

I'm doing all this to hopefully make this journey surmountable.  This is an unknown.  I will no nothing of how I will handle this until I go through it.  The unknown is killing me.  I have to remember patience.  I have to remember that everyone has their own unique journey.  I have to remember to stay present.  And the most important thing to remember:  No matter how my body handles this - chemo is allowing me to have a long life.  Yep, there's a silver lining here and I just found it!  Life is wonderful isn't it?


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