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I'm a Breast Cancer Survivor. 

or as I prefer to call myself a “thriver” (a much livelier word don’t you think?). 


Having had breast cancer twice I think I’m I earned the title!  Each journey was different, each at times, the same.  Each brought me into dark places but also showed me how to find the light.  Though I never wanted cancer (who does!), as with anything difficult in life, I learned, I grew and I’m grateful for the gifts it gave me. 


Yes, there was fear and sadness but there was also gratitude, abundant love and humor.  When you can find your humor in a tough situation – you win.  I experienced hope, love, and laughter during treatment.  I learned that I could experience joy in the midst of chaos. 


I hope by sharing my journey you can see that even while treating breast cancer, you can still LIVE your best life, not the disease.

My Name Is Carey.

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Saving Teets is a support website for men and women struggling to overcome breast cancer

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